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Data Security & Privacy FAQ
Yes, R-Wipe & Clean is a tool that does such task.
You need R-Wipe & Clean. It deletes and wipes data in such way that any recovery tool will not be able to recover it. There are some different algorithms to wipe your data. R-Wipe & Clean is a software solution to delete and wiped your data.
You can re-start R-Wipe & Clean with the same task and as soon as it finishes, all free space will be back. If you have a trouble to re-start R-Wipe & Clean task, please contact our technical Support team.
In this case please use the R-Wipe & Clean tab in the disk Properties: some removable devices are not included in the main window interface to eliminate unwanted access.
The Typed URLs check box should be selected to clean your typed URL addresses.
You can use
RwcRun.exe /t "TaskName"
where TaskName is the name of a task to be run. This command line can be included in any command file.
Probably Yes. Ghost should start R-Wipe & Clean. Check Ghost documentation to learn how to do so.
MFT is fully under OS control and more likely the problem is on MFT fragmentation.
The problem is that you can't do that when you start your computer from that disk as a lot of files will be locked by the system preventing any software from wiping them. But you may use R-Studio Emergency for this task. And completely for free.
If your computer has a CD/DVD drive, you may use an ISO image to create a startup CD disc, if not, download and install R-Studio Emergency GUI Startup Media Creator to create a startup USB disk.
Upon startup, select the GUI mode. When R-Studio Emergency asks for registration, click the Cancel button and let it work in the Demo mode. Then select the partition to wipe and select Drive -> Wipe on the menu bar. Select an appropriate wiping algorithm. The pseudorandom one is more that enough for most users.
And remember! Once wiped, the data can't be recovered!
EFS has severe security concerns which R-Crypto doesn't:
* User's private keys are stored directly on the disk. Even system administrators can access them and therefore decrypt the data.
* Encrypted files, their names, sizes, etc. are visible.
* While decrypting EFS data, Windows creates a temp file with decrypted data. When Windows stops working with such file, it simply deletes it (without wiping). That file can then be recovered using data recovery software, R-Studio, for example. See Issues with EFS for more details.
There are some limitations in EFS, too: for example, EFS-encrypted folders cannot be shared over network.
No, this is not possible. If you forget your password you won't be able to access the data on the encrypted disk and nothing can be done about that.
Yes. An encrypted disk file-container is just an ordinary file which can be copied to any other PC or storage device and connected using any other R-Crypto installation. At the same time the disk encryption settings should be compatible with a target PC's operating system (for example, selecting AES-256 with SHA-1 hashing algotithm will make an encrypted disk compatible with most Windows OS starting from Windows XP and ending with the most recent Windows 7).
To backup your encrypted data you can copy an encrypted disk file-container to any backup storage: CD/DVD, tape, network backup location or any other storage device. Note that after backing up you will be able to connect your encrypted disk directly from the backup location, e.g. directly from the CD/DVD.
Yes, R-Crypto provides safe and reliable resize operation for encrypted disks. See R-Crypto documentaion for details.
Generally no, because this is only possible if all users connect the same encrypted disk in the write-protected mode. To share an encrypted disk among the users in the read/write mode do the following:
* Connect an encrypted disk emulating a fixed disk (please see the "Connect an Encrypted Disk" help topic for details) on one computer;
* Share the connected encrypted disk using standard Windows disk sharing properties among the network users. Note that using standard Windows disk sharing may result in a security vulnerability as the data will be transferred unencrypted over network.
First you need to disconnect the encrypted disk, as you can't copy, move, or burn the file-container of a connected encrypted disk. After disconnecting the disk, you can copy, move the file-container, or burn it to CD/DVD/BR using your favorite software.
Most likely you turned on synchronization for Google Chrome. If you have enabled synchronization with an external service for some program, all its synchronized items will be automatically restored each time the program starts, even if R-Wipe & Clean constantly clears all traces for that program.
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